Thursday, October 25, 2012

new friends

I've been making new friends in China! It's unfortunate that I have to kill so many of them... I dont want to, but nobody else in the office likes cockroaches. This morning I met a little mouse! He was so cute!!! I moved into my new apartment yesterday (I'll post pictures as soon as it's cleaned and lookin good) was cleaning all morning! I put the big trash bag outside, I then noticed some other miscellaneous items just outside the door that I wanted to throw out. There was an old sitting stool, water botel with cigarette butts, cigarette butts, and an umbrella with a little mouse nestled in the corner. I picked you the umbrella and almost the instant I noticed the brown blob, it started moving. It walked right passed our door and onto the doorstep of our neighbors. The neighbors door was just a crack open, so the little mouse went right in. I returned to my apartment to finish cleaning. I closed the door behind me and waited to hear the commotion of their new found intruder. I didn't hear anything. He did look like a sneaky mouse. When I left for work my neighbors were cooking lunch. I don't know what it was... possibly mouse stew? It sure did smell delicious!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will have Amanda start saving the mice around our house and you can show us how to cook them when you get back. toasted or roasted? that is the question.

  3. haha! I'll get to know my neighbor and let you know!!
