Friday, December 14, 2012

the streets are a death trap

I don't know how people drive in China. Lanes are merely suggestions, and these people are aggressive. You wouldn't think, I know... but they are. Don't mess with a Chinese man on his way to work. I swear, crossing the street is dangerous. That whole "pedestrians have the right of way" thing we have in the US... not the case here. I try to take the bus to work as much as I can. Of course there are those occasional days that I opt for a cab because I'm running late (getting to work at 1pm is rough!). The busses are great! I so badly wish I had a photo of my bus experience today. There's just nothing like pretending to be sardines in a can with a bunch of people you don't know. I always find something, or should I say someone, fun on the bus. Today it was this little gem. I may kidnap one, I mean they are just too adorable.

 In fact I have a student named Robin who is six years old. He is the smartest kid! Not only is he so smart he is polite!? He's such a little gentleman, I die for him. And the best part: he's a hugger!! Huggers are not easy to find here, and I miss them. I'm thinking of sending Robin to my family as a Christmas gift. He would make such a great addition to the family, and I know everyone will love him! (John, I'll make sure he can cook too!)

Ok, back to the mean streets of China, or the death trap. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't seen more accidents or been in one. People here drive as if they are in the Fast and the Furious. Maybe they are upset that the sequel to Fast and the Furious was filmed in Tokyo, so they are trying to prove what stunt men and women they are as well? I have to teach at another one of my schools campuses three times a week. And how fancy do I feel, I have a driver. He is China's version of Justin Beiber. I love when he sings along to the silly Chinese music he plays. He could not be more adorable. I want to learn Chinese so bad so we can become best friends. I assume he feels the same way about me as I do about him even though we cant communicate verbally, so I like to assume he will keep me safe. I have literally gasped multiple times because we were that close to an accident. We share snacks too ( I know, we're so cute) I'll buy him coffee, or a snack some times and he'll do the same. This is what I got today...

I'm not even mad that the look of it scares me. It's the thought that counts.  I need to sleep! I have the worst sleeping habits here! I stay up so late. I will be making a big effort to be more disciplined from now on (and by 'now', I mean as soon as I stop procrastinating so much). Tomorrow I am teaching from 9am-8pm then hopping on a train to Shanghai to see Mecah. The overtime tomorrow is to makeup for not working on Sunday... sometimes you just need a personal day.

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