Monday, December 24, 2012

Power Outage

About a week ago I worked overtime in order to take Sunday off. On Saturday and Sunday I teach at another on of my schools campus's. This campus is called InTime Westlake because it is right next to the mall (InTime) and the Lake. I personally like to call it the campus from Hell. Families that live close to the lake are rather wealthy and, of course, only have one child. So your students are a bunch of spoiled only children. They are a delight!! This campus is only for children (strike one), and the mothers are insane (strike two). 9am-8pm with these little spawns... what a day!

I finished my last class and rushed to the train station to catch the 8:30 train to Shanghai. As I stepped out of the cab to go purchase my ticket it dawned on me... I don't have my passport? I'm in the application process for my work visa. I almost punched myself in the face. Unfortunately this was not the first time I forgot my passport in a situation such as this (remember last time when I mentioned I need to work on procrastination and motivation? Add responsibility to the list as well :). I went back home only to find out that our power was still out. Of course.

I stopped at the Walmart on my street and bought some candles to light the apartment. I also really needed to take a shower, but since we had no electricity that means our water heater didn't work. I made the executive decision to go to the spa on my street to shower and get a massage. Yeah, you take a shower before the massage? Two birds one stone.

The manager of the salon is named Mary. She was very excited to hear that our names rhyme! Her English is pretty good and was excited to converse with me. Chinese people will befriend you purely for your language. In this case; fine by me. Mary offered to take me to a lake and tea house just outside the city on my day off. I will not reject a tour guide. She also gave me some essential oil. Why not.

The following morning my roommate and I left the house at 7 for the train station. Josey offered to come with me and buy my train tickets for me. What a life saver!!! I had a nice nap on the train and was at Mecah's a little after nine. Mecah, whom I've know since Jr. High, is going back to Irvine for the holidays. She needed to go to the fake market to get some last minute Christmas gifts. It was so fun to see the fake market. It's four floors of knock offs, and this stuff looks real! It's kind of annoying because they can be so aggressive and pushy. But at the same time, I was referred to as "beautiful lady" once or twice... good sales tactic my friends. It's ridiculous how much they ask for and how much you can buy this crap for. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to call it crap. The thing is, the products they sell are most likely the same quality in which you would find in any retail store in the US, they are just able to sell the product at cost. More than anything, the bargaining is the best part. I like to use the very little Chinese I know to complain. Although we did upset one man so much that he kicked us out of his shop? Apparently our low offer was just too offensive. We had such a great day! There’s nothing better than the comfort of a friend when you feel so alone in a new place.

Highlight of the day:Riding on the back of the scooter around Shanghai. No better way to see a new city. I only felt as if my life was in danger a few times. Mecah's a great tour guide!

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