Tuesday, October 16, 2012

No need to worry.

I know that after those first two entries you were really worried that I would be on the next flight home... well you can stop worrying. I think I'm going to make it. I mean no promises yet, but there were definitely less tears today. I think I may have made some friends today (fingers crossed). Today was my first day training at the school. And by training, I mean observing. Tomorrow I will even be leading my own class. I know... what kind of school is this? What can I say, they want my language. But it will be a class of three and four year olds, how hard can that be!?

It was so refreshing to meet a few of the other foreign teachers and learn as much as I can from them. So far everyone seems great, and interesting in their own way. I think the biggest sigh of relief came when I was told that there is a rather large Expat community here in Hangzhou. Let's be real, the only reason the first two days were so rough was because I had absolutely no body to talk to, and I'm a big talker! My assistant is still looking for an apartment for me, until then I am still in a hotel.  The school is a tutoring center so classes are from 1-9pm during the week and 9am-5pm on the weekends with two consecutive days off. And you only teach five classes a day, the other three hours are prep and dinner. Doesn't seem too bad. Now I have to go through my TESOL manual to find some fun lesson plans because tomorrow I'll be a real teacher ;)


  1. I hope the kids in your class pick up on your sarcasm! Sounds like you're having quite the adventure. We're all thinking about you! xo

  2. Yes! Carrie is going to make it! Im sure those little chinese kids will love your lessons, even if you just made one up on the spot. You could always tell them about Dan getting lost while running through the Lake Mead desert...They will love that one! Or when you had to wear a jacket and long pants while biking in 100+ degree temps through Italy...They will like that also.

    Just trying to give you some fun memories while you are so far away :)


  3. Carrie--Thanks so much for blogging. It's fun to follow your adventure! You're totally going to make it in China. You'll have a billion friends in no time :) Have fun on your first day of school. Love, Kelly & Pete & Max
