Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Family Dinner

I had the greatest authentic Chinese experience last night. I had to cover two classes at my school yesterday from 10-12. I was then asked to go to a grand opening of our newest school location. The school was on the west side of the city. When a new store or restaurant opens in China the set off small fireworks as a celebration as well as to rid any evil spirits in the building. They decorate the front of the store with standing wreaths. There probably will not be classes at this school for a week or two, but we were celebrating/introducing ourselves to the neighbors. They wanted me there just to show face. Having a foreign teacher is a big deal and makes the company more reputable. My boss even asked me to lie, hah! I told any parents that asked that I had been with the company for three years, rather than two weeks. In such a traditional culture you would thing the whole “your word is your honor” philosophy would apply? There were two other Chinese teachers there as well. I knew them from my campus. At five o’clock we all left and one of the girls offered to drive me to the bus stop. As we got in her car she says “or you can come to my house for a party?” How could I turn this down? I feel I have to take every opportunity and do anything I have never done before.

Vicky was so excited to have me over. Mainly because she likes practicing her English…. I don’t mind being used. She and her husband have been married just a year. They live with his parents as well as his 84-year-old grandmother. Vicky’s parents and brother also came over for dinner. They have big dinners like this a couple times a week (I think the dinners, not living with my husbands parents, is something I will install in my family). It was so amazing. I can’t even describe it. Vicky was the only one that could speak English. Her dad knew a few words, and her brother could understand some, but not speak that well. Even without being able to communicate verbally with everyone, it was so wonderful. It was a family dinner! Everyone was laughing and having fun. I felt as if they were staring at me to make sure I was eating enough and enjoyed the food. Every dish is placed in the center of the tale and everyone just picks at the food. I ate a lot of the vegetable dishes, the meat was a little more difficult to eat. As an American I am not quite used to the skin and all the bones being in every piece of meat. And I just couldn’t get myself to try the goat feet. I don’t understand how these people eat fish! I nearly choked on a bone, and there are a lot of bones in fish!! Vicky’s father and father in-law kept forcing me to drink with them. It was some kind of clear alcohol, I assume similar to vodka. It was so strong and every time they would raise their glasses to cheers me I would just pretend to take a sip. I finally had to tell them no more, that I was getting too drunk. They were all so warm and gracious towards me, not letting me get up to get water or anything. Vicky’s family is from the country and her parents have a house not too far from her in-laws. Her father was very insistent to have me come to their home next time, he will even take the bones out of the meat for me. Hahah, such amazing people and such an amazing experience. Chinese people really are so kind and welcoming.

I wish I had taken more photos with everyone at the table!!

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