Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July

In years past the 4th of July was more of a superficial holiday for me. It was just beach, booze, and bikinis. And I am not happy nor comfortable in a bikini, so it was more of a holiday I dreaded a bit.

Fast forward to having been in China for almost 9 months... oh what I would give to be in the U.S. And not just because I miss the beach (though I really do!) but because I miss the culture of a country that is truly free. I mean, yeah the government is tapping your phone calls and what not... but as Americans we are so blessed. No, our government isn't perfect. No government is. Until someone figures it out and reaches utopia, I'll settle for the life of an American.

I put on my red, white and blue this morning and contemplated what I would do in my classes today. I thought "oh, we can talk about freedom!"  But then it hit me, my students wouldn't have much to say on the topic. I don't think it's a topic that would build a rousing discussion amongst my students. Does the idea of freedom (and their lack of) make them bitter or resentful. Or is it a concept they can't even wrap their heads around? I've decided not to get into the topic, because I would feel guilty, as if rubbing it in their face what freedoms Americans are privileged with. Maybe we'll talk about movies? Oh wait, those are censored here. 

Living outside of the U.S. bubble as given me the opportunity to learn so much about the differences around the world. I have a dear friend from Turkey, my roommates classmate was just murdered in a protest in Egypt (innocent bystander), and I'm living in a communist country with a cat resembling Hitler holding my purse captive. It makes me extremely proud and grateful to be an American.

Happy Independence Day to you all! 
Go BBQ and drink a beer for me. And be safe!

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