The Chinese are extremely superstitious. I am constantly
berating my adult students trying to get as much information on traditions as
possible. It’s interesting to learn the history as to why they do so many
things, and it is also quite entertaining. Tomorrow is a national holiday
called Tomb Sweeping day. Yup, pretty much; Spring-cleaning for their
Anyways, the girls were really chatty and told me all about
this holiday and the customs that go along with it. Many families return to their hometown and visit the graves
of their loved ones. They cut the grass and place flowers on the tomb. They can
also give gifts to their loved ones on the other side. You just burn a picture
of what you want to give to them and they will receive it in a matter of
minutes. The examples I was given: “you can burn a photo of a refrigerator,
phone, television, games, house, anything you want.” I think this is hilarious
and darling. Why they’d need a refrigerator? Not sure. Another custom I thought
was lovely was cooking a meal for the departed. Families will cook something
special for their ancestors and leave it outside with a candle. In a few hours
you can retrieve the food and eat it yourself. I guess it’s rare that grandma
or grandma are that hungry and eat the food, probably because they were given a
refrigerator earlier in the day… One of my students said her grandfather told
the family to give him an iPhone
when he dies (you know, burn a picture of an iPhone on his grave). Somebody in
the family questioned him “do you even know how to work an iPhone?” he replied
“No” but figured he’d have Steve Jobs help him out.
I guess it’s not that bizarre though, I wanted to take my grandma a bottle of two-buck chuck and dump it in the ocean with her ashes… The Chinese do have a lot of respect for their elders, which is quite lovely to see. So, if you don’t have much to do tomorrow, light a candle for a family member that has passed in honor of Tomb Sweeping day. I will celebrate the holiday in Shanghai with my friend Mecah. It is so wonderful to have such a dear friend so close! I sure did take it for granted when I lived in the states.
I just hope I will live to see next week. I’ve recently
started riding my bike to work. The weather is shifting and it is glorious. I
never knew how miserable being cold was until I moved here. The warmth makes
all the difference. And I absolutely love riding my bike. I’m just a little
concerned that I am going to get hit by a car. The roads are a brutal place
here. Every man for himself. I think I’m counteracting the exercise endorphin
rush with road rage. Luckily my brother taught me to “always keep my head on a
swivel.” I’m not sure if that was advice he gave me on our three-month biking
excursion in Europe, or just general advice. I try and use it in all contexts
just in case.
Time for a new blog entry!